In a fascinating maritime journey guided by psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, we delve into the depths of the human unconscious.
"AlejandrIA" is an animated documentary series that employs artificial intelligence to bring to life prominent historical figures. In its first season, consisting of six independent episodes, the series delves into the lives and philosophies of historical figures who have left an indelible mark on human thought. It transcends the traditional format of animated documentaries to become a bridge between eras, inviting deep reflection on history and its impact on the contemporary world.
丹尼爾.耶佩斯.布里托是一位厄瓜多爾的作家和電影製作人。他的影片在超過 20 個國家展出,並且入選了包括阿姆斯特丹、安錫、坎城和紐約等重要的電影節。他的第一本書《The Little Prince and the Fox of the Andes》在亞馬遜的四個類別中成為暢銷書。
2023 年,他發表了紀錄片《Neisi: The Power of a Dream》,這是關於厄瓜多爾首位女性奧運獎牌得主的故事。他目前正在製作紀錄片《Nothing About Us》,並將他的書改編成動畫長片。
Daniel Yépez Brito is an ecuadorian writer and filmmaker.
His films have been exhibited in more than 20 countries and have been featured in major film festivals such as Amsterdam, Annecy, Cannes, and New York. His first book, "The Little Prince and the Fox of the Andes," was a bestseller in four categories on Amazon. In 2023, he released the documentary "Neisi: The Power of a Dream," the story of Ecuador's first female Olympic medalist. He is currently producing the documentary "Nothing About Us" and adapting his book into an animated feature film.